Well, my bad, it's been quite a long time since I've posted! Nothing much has really changed. The usual, you know? Climbing, quality time with mates, yeah that's pretty much it. Had a few big trips, but nothing else so notable Awesome pictures, I will amuse you with them rather than typing lots...
This blog will probably be a whole bunch of pictures from my last blog post till now (with captions, zomg)
Happy 2013!
Also, since I'm too lazy to write proper entries as of recent, go on these places for updates!
(Who am I kidding, as if anybody cares)
Climbing Centre Christmas party! |
Continued my service of being a Sweet Dreams tour guide with Steph! Later that night, went over to Fletcher's place for a party. Next day, went to Boronia, got lost at Mount Piddington, and ended up doing one climb at Zap Crag... |
Went to Barden's Lookout to climb with Chew, Kim and met Assad and Claudine there. This is Major Tom, a 23 I redpointed. |
Over the course of three days, went camping in Mount York, climbed heaps, swam a bunch and did the multipitch 'Bunny Bucket Buttress' with Siddharth, Mike and Rowan. |
Went to Melbourne to watch the Australian Open and visit family. |
Fletcher was also in Melbourne, we went to a climbing gym! |
Went down to Point Perpendicular for the start of the Australia day weekend, only to be able to climb one day (due to rain). |
Went to The Rain Cave on the last day of the long weekend to avoid the rain and be able to climb. |
I did a lot more, lots of hanging out with Siddharth and the rest of the boys (he was back for 6 weeks for his annual leave from the ADF). Went climbing much more than what I listed here, went slacklining sometimes, bowling, ice-skating, mountain-biking etc. Good times!
Auf Widersehen!
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