Monday, May 23, 2011

½ Dancing Under the Stars

Good afternoon :)
I am at school ! Shall I include a webcam photo with this post? We'll see..
Oh, I won't be finishing this post at school though, gonna go home and then I will upload photos from my phone today. I won't be writing, unless something really interesting happened, haha. Seriously, Autumn + wind = beautiful. :)

I just felt like blogging today, but I really don't know what to talk about. D:

The title is quite subtle, except to you. I wish there was a soundtrack during that, and I wish it wasn't scary; but overall, that was extremely lovely. :) The sky was also very pretty.
Now that I think about it, that actually was quite scary. If you didn't turn around, who knows? D: He was too close, and who does that? :S

In the near-future;
I am not looking forward to tomorrow, English assessment. Oh dear god. :(
I am looking forward to Sunday. :)
I am looking forward to your birthday. :D

Also, I have decided to get fit. I shall stick with it. Hell yeah. :D

I'm your Autumn.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Starting to write up a blog post is always the hardest, grr.
Good evening fellas.
How are we all? Also, thank you Yousef, that was very nice of you :)
Honestly, nothing interesting has really happened the past few days..
My friend Sid has started blogging, please have a look :) Click!
I also have, stopped doing the 30 day challenge thing, dearest apologies, sorry.

I saw Lisa yesterday, it was weird. Everything turned out well, I hope. :)
School has been rather relaxing too.

Lazy to talk, pictures below.

For some reason, I like the lonely rose. I feel like it symbolises something.


This modern love breaks me.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

C'est La Vie

Good morning everyone. Hi Christy!
What to talk about...
The season finale of HIMYM was pretty damn awesome. You should go watch that.
School has been quite normal. Life is also normal. C'est la vie.

After school yesterday, went with Siddharth to see Trini and Joanna; had lunch; then I went to see Lisa afterwards. Anyway, I'm going to trust you. I hope you're right. Taking a new approach to things now.

Listen to Deliver Us - In Flames. They released a single from their new album, which shall come out next month. Hell yes. I'm back into metal now. :D
Still love soft stuff though, Oh man, Gabe Bondoc <3
Have a good day.
Taken by Siddharth Sambaiah.

6 / 10
Mental Discomfort.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Good afternoon :)
Oh english... why must you be so very boring? :(
Today was been an average day. There's not really much to talk about, I missed out on getting my school photos but I'll go get them at lunch time! I'll fill up room by doing what Tina did on her blog.
I shall post properly once I am home.

P.S This better not be a repeat of last time, or else...

7 things about you:

Name: Jason Quang Thanh Nguyen
Age: 17, 18 in November
School: Reppin' Penrith High
Tattoos: None yet
Family: One older brother, and mum and dad.
Hair color: Dark, dark brown
Eye color: Dark, dark brown

7 things i will find in your bedroom:


7 relationship questions:

Do you like anyone? Yes
Does someone like you? Yes
Last kiss? Saturday
Been lead on? I think so..
Been cheated on? Nope
Want a relationship? In one! :)
Want to get married? Eventually, yes.

7 things you can’t live without:


7 other things:

Do you believe in God? This is a controversial question for me :S
Had a dream come true? None come to mind, but I'm sure there has been.
Read the newspaper? mX :D
Get enough sleep? Usually, I think
Have a best friend? Yes
Take a bath daily? Shower
Wish on stars? 11:11 count? hehe.

7 have you evers:

Fallen in love? Yes. cheeezay.
Kissed someone of the same sex? Yes. Never on the lips haha.
Hooked up with someone who had a gf/bf No.
Been to a bonfire? Yes.
Ran away from home? No.
Played strip poker? No.
Pulled an all-nighter? Not many.

7 things in the last 24 hours:

Cried? No.
Had fun? Yeah!
Been kissed? No.
Felt stupid? All the time!
Talked to an ex? I derno if it counts :$
Missed someone? Yes
Listened to music? .... Yes..................


Threat? Neutralise it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Good evening peoples!
Weekend, yay! Oh wait, it's Monday tomorrow. NOOOOO!!!

School has been quite normal, most of my assessments have been postponed...
English from 16th of May to the 24th of May.
PD/H/PE from 23/24 to a date much further away, (we need to be given two weeks notice before our assessment)
Maths from 2nd of June till 16th of June.

Yesterday was a very long day, but a lovely one :)
I woke up at 7:30 am, which is so early, because I usually wake up for school at 8:00 am. I went to the city with Lisa, it was quite cold, she bought books from dymocks, I had hash browns for breakfast, then we went to woolies to buy our lunch for the day and also, $10 of food for Lisa for "Live Below the Line" which was quite challenging. She can only spend $2 on her food per day for 5 days. Approximately 1.4 billion people around the world live on $2 a day. I wish her luck for it! If you can donate/sponsor, go ahead and click! It's for a good cause :) We spent the rest of the day at a park, being lazy and all. It was a very long day, I got home at 10:30 pm.

I cannot wait until the year is over. Hopefully, New Zealand and a road trip down south to Eurobodalla National Park.

Day 09 - A letter to your parents:
Dear Mummy, and Daddy!
You're wonderful parents, and I'm very lucky to have parents like you two :)
Sometimes, I wish you were less strict, but I guess your strict-ness is just your way of showing your love.
I love you both!

I do.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Listen to Alright by Pilot Speed.

Hello everybody,
Today was a very normal day. I played piano in the music rooms at recess, I wore my jacket and then I recorded Thanjon and Rowan practicing their piano/violin routine during lunch time.
This is such a short post, I just wanted you guys to listen to the song.

Day 08 - A letter to a product/company:
Dear Coca-Cola company,
yum. keep it up.

Want, but can't.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Edge of Desire

Good evening.
This shall be a long post, I believe. Lots of pictures at the end as well, it should make up for my lack of posting. Oh and the past few days have been interesting as well, that's why.
Okay okay, let's cut to the chase.

The weather has finally decided to stop being sad and the sun started shining again. Lovely.

Thanjon Michniewicz. Happy birthday for May 4th :)
For those that do not know him, he is one of my best friends, and a valued brother. It was his 18th birthday on May 4th. Yes, May the 4th be with you.
Me and Thanjon go pretty far back, and I'm glad I met him! He is quite the unique person, with his strong beliefs and all. You are quite amusing to be around Thanjon. You're a good bro :) I totally sound gay right now, but no, this is just bromance at it's best. Our hiking group got him a bag! Also, I got him an awesome card, hehehe. I'm sure he liked it. I hope he enjoys being 18, smoking his cigar and all :P

Anyway, yes yes, athletics carnival! Thursday and Friday.
I went into everything I could, I died. I didn't expect to make it into anything, our age group is monstrous. I didn't. Watching all the events were intense, and chilling out afterwards was great, however, we didn't play grounders. Sad face. It was the last ever athletics carnival ever. :'( It was wonderful though.

On Saturday, I went to see Lisa. She once went to Mt Druitt to fetch me, so, this time around, I went to Bankstown to fetch her, it's only fair. I don't mind anyway. CityFail was being crap, like always, and delayed my train at Lidcombe for another 20 minutes. I was there at Lidcombe for like almost an hour. Thanks Shittyrail. We bought stuff at Bankstown, and headed to Parramatta where I was supposed to study. ... That didn't happen. It was an amazing day though.

That night, our family (cousins, uncles, aunts, meemaw and all) went out for a mother's day dinner.

Sunday; Happy Mothers Day.
Mum, I love you.

School today, for some reason, was absolutely wonderful.
I don't know why, but it just was. Here is my day for you.

Roll Call, made paper cranes for "Cranes for Hope"
Chemistry was normal, we did an experiment. I chilled with Johnny.
Recess, just... ate, talked, normal.
Physics, did engineering. Tob asked me questions but since I'm interested in space, I know the answers anyway.
Engineering, test. I did well! Even in the mathematics related parts, so I'm happy.
Lunch time, went with Rowan and Thanjon to the music rooms. We jammed. It was, the best. The best.
PD/H/PE, only six students in the class, we engaged in a class discussion while slowly doing work. I love my class.

I went out for dinner tonight at a Bistro, I ate so much. I am still full.

Day 07 - A Letter to a celebrity you despise:
Dear... Pauline Hanson, stop being such a racist douche.

Pictures & Videos, brace yourself.

Battle Studies